Thissaleisacashsaleandispayableinmoneyorbye–transfer.If,upon delivery, any balance should remain due then this balance shall be paid in money or by e–transfer. Should these terms of payment not be fully respected, the purchaseracknowledgesthatthesellershallnotbe requiredtodeliverthemerchandise.
A down payment of the delivery feemust be made by the customerwith respect to any purchase or order. The seller will provide freestorage for aperiodof2monthsforgoodswhichhavebeenpurchased. Ifalonger periodisrequired,theamountofcontractmustbepaidinfull.The total storagetimemustnotexceed5months.
The sellershallnot beliableforany delayinthedeliveryofmerchandise ordered.Thepurchaseracknowledgesherebythatthemanufacturer only shallbeheldliableifthereisadelayinthedeliveryof the merchandise ordered and which is in excess of anynormallyforeseeabledelay.
Ifthe product to be purchased cannotbe delivered due to lack of space, the seller will not be responsible forthisandnorefundwillbegiven.
The customeracceptsthatanypromotionoffered atthetimeofpurchase shall be applied to the transaction.No promotion may beaddedto anotherpromotion.
n the case ofthe sale ofmerchandise tobeassembled orinstalled,the purchaser acknowledges that the sale’s price does not include anysuch assemblyor installation.
The purchaseracknowledgesthatheisresponsiblefortakingthe measurement andtheprecisedimensionsofthemerchandisethat heintends topurchaseandnomeasurementerrorshallbeattributable tothe seller.Thepurchaseracknowledgesthattheitemsorderedby himconformtothedescriptioninthis order.
The buyer has 48 hoursto reportany problemswith the goodstoat deliveryandprovidephotosandabriefdescription.All salesarefinal. Norefundswillbegiven,inaccordancewiththecompany’s refund policy.After48hours,themanufacturer’swarrantyapplies.
The buyer must notify the seller 48 hours before the agreed deliverydate ifhecannotbepresent,unabletopayoranyotherreason,which preventsdeliveryorpaymento fthegoods.
No cancellation, no exchange or return of the merchandise shall be permitted. Thesellershallhavetherighttoclaimfromthepurchaser anamount equivalent to thelosssuffered.
Themerchandisedescribedissubjectto the manufacturer’s warranty (1 year on manufacturing defect). The manufacturer reserves the right to replace or repair any damaged merchandise, whichever is more advantageous. We offera limited warranty of one year on the parts we sell. Please take note of the points below: *It is natural for the chimney, door and dome of the oven to discolour due to the high temperature generated by the fire. This does not affect the quality of theproduct. Ceramic tilesbreakage is normal in alltraditional wood–fired ovens and this not mean a manufacturing defect.
We reserve the right to request clear photos of the damage. We reserve the right to refuse a warranty claim when we believe that the damage clearly resulted from an accident, misuse or handling or normal use of the item.